Tuesday, June 30, 2015


I'm linking up with Farley once again for her latest edition of Currently.

Listening- One of the things I'm most grateful for... all 10 seasons of FRIENDS on Netflix. I love this show and it's the perfect thing to put on in the background since I've seen every episode multiple, multiple times. 

Loving- This week is about my only week this summer with no real plans. I don't have anywhere I have to be. My July and August are pretty packed with classes, PD, and family trips, so I'm enjoying being lazy.

Thinking- I don't mind doing laundry but I hate having to put it all away when I'm done... it's currently spread out all over my kitchen table.

Wanting- I desperately need a manicure... I think that'll be on my agenda tomorrow.

Needing- My area has been dealing with several 100+ degree days in a room. Today was 109. Not fun. I stayed inside and thanked God for my A/C. I'm hoping the extreme temps go away soon.

All Star- I'm pretty good at making jokes and finding witty things to say with my friends and family... 

Saturday, June 27, 2015

New Classroom

The 2014-2015 school year was a pretty busy one for me, and I needed a bit of time to decompress after school got out. This was my 10th year of teaching, and my fifth year teaching 5th grade. I had a great group of learners and we were able to try a lot of really fun things.

And if you had followed my post at the beginning of the year, I had just completely revamped my class decor... Class Theme... and I thought it would be that way for several years.

I wasn't planning on moving classrooms, especially since I will be in 5th grade again this upcoming school year... and yet, I couldn't resist moving!

My old classroom was on the bottom floor of our two-story 4th/5th grade building. I had a view of the parking lot and we couldn't open our blinds due to the glare off the cars... it wasn't ideal but it was mine, and I was content to stay there for the foreseeable future.

However one of my 5th grade colleagues decided to change grade levels and head to 3rd grade... opening up her room. Did I mention her classroom is upstairs with a view of the lake behind our school?  A definite upgrade in my opinion! So with the okay from my principal, I'm moving up! I've moved all my stuff-- boxes, books, furniture... now I have to think about my theme for my new room.

So that's how my summer has started... A new classroom and a new theme is in the works. I can't wait!