I'm linking up with Farley once again for her latest edition of Currently.
Listening- One of the things I'm most grateful for... all 10 seasons of FRIENDS on Netflix. I love this show and it's the perfect thing to put on in the background since I've seen every episode multiple, multiple times.
Loving- This week is about my only week this summer with no real plans. I don't have anywhere I have to be. My July and August are pretty packed with classes, PD, and family trips, so I'm enjoying being lazy.
Thinking- I don't mind doing laundry but I hate having to put it all away when I'm done... it's currently spread out all over my kitchen table.
Wanting- I desperately need a manicure... I think that'll be on my agenda tomorrow.
Needing- My area has been dealing with several 100+ degree days in a room. Today was 109. Not fun. I stayed inside and thanked God for my A/C. I'm hoping the extreme temps go away soon.
All Star- I'm pretty good at making jokes and finding witty things to say with my friends and family...