Tuesday, June 30, 2015


I'm linking up with Farley once again for her latest edition of Currently.

Listening- One of the things I'm most grateful for... all 10 seasons of FRIENDS on Netflix. I love this show and it's the perfect thing to put on in the background since I've seen every episode multiple, multiple times. 

Loving- This week is about my only week this summer with no real plans. I don't have anywhere I have to be. My July and August are pretty packed with classes, PD, and family trips, so I'm enjoying being lazy.

Thinking- I don't mind doing laundry but I hate having to put it all away when I'm done... it's currently spread out all over my kitchen table.

Wanting- I desperately need a manicure... I think that'll be on my agenda tomorrow.

Needing- My area has been dealing with several 100+ degree days in a room. Today was 109. Not fun. I stayed inside and thanked God for my A/C. I'm hoping the extreme temps go away soon.

All Star- I'm pretty good at making jokes and finding witty things to say with my friends and family... 


  1. I LOOOVE watching all the seasons of Friends too!! Hope your weather cools off and you enjoy the rest of your summer!

  2. We're in winter here in New Zealand, so I'm a wee bit jealous of your warm weather. Not sure that I would like 100 degree temperatures though.
    I hope you manage to get that manicure. Speaking of which, I'm in need of one too!

    Learning to be awesome

  3. Girl, the only way to beat our Central Valley heat (I'm near Modesto) is by going and doing something indoors! A manicure is a perfect idea! I may just do the same!!
    Very Perry Classroom

  4. LOVE Friends! I often have it on in the background while working too! I feel your laundry pains... Mine is currently spread all over my bedroom. In baskets, totes, and on top of chairs. I wish there was a folding fairy that came while we slept...
    Hope you get a break from the heat soon!
    Smocus Smocus

  5. I HATE PUTTING AWAY LAUNDRY, TOO!!! I also am not a big fan of folding...ha! I need a mani too! But a DIY! I got a new polish in last month's Ipsy..I will have to try it out!
    Miss Johnston's Journey
    L. Paull Designs for All

  6. Oh the heat! I'm in dead winter now in Australia, kind of jealous here. :) Sometimes I just love having no real plans, the best way to relax and do what you'd like.

    ♥ Stephanie
    Fishing for Education Blog

  7. I think I've seen every Friends episode at least 50 times. I love it! I'm the same way with laundry. Don't mind doing it or folding it but putting it away is a pain! There are piles all over the couch. Confession- sometimes I just buy new undies so I can put off doing the laundry for a few more days. LOL

  8. Oh my goodness I have tons of laundry to put away too! You would think summer break would give me more time but I keep saying, well I'll have time tomorrow.. lol I better get on that tomorrow! haha

    A Pinch of Kinder
