Google Presentation

I've used Google Presentations in a variety of ways this year, from group projects, to partner work, and even individual speech aides. The great thing about Google Presentation is that is so easy to navigate. I didn't have to do much front-loading with my 5th graders. I showed them a few tricks, but after that it was all them.

Preface: My district is a Google district, which means that each student from K-12 has their own Google email and has access to all the great Google apps: Drive, Sheets, Forms, Presentation... 
This has greatly revolutionized how I look at projects, essays, and something as easy as homework turn-ins.

Social Studies

A great way to do a whole class project, with each student having a slide; a small group project or partner work... or even individual projects. 

Language Arts
I've also used Google Presentation to help teach argument writing (and reading) through debate. Here's a lesson I did using the classic Shel Silverstein book, The Giving Tree.

Google Presentation is also a great way to share instructions for a project in class... To cap off our Geometry unit I had the students put together videos highlighting the different geometric shapes they could find around our school. We used the video app Animoto, which is very user friendly (and free!)... I just made sure each group had at least 1 device to take pictures & construct their videos.

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