I'm linking up with Tara at 4th Grade Frolics for her weekly Monday Made-It! This is my first one, I'm so glad to have a few things to share!
I've created a couple of color options for myself, and I plan on printing one page for each student. Once I discover something about them as a learner, I'm going to add it. I'm also going to print one for each student to record things they learn about me. I think it would be a great way to better know each other.
And my second Made It is actually a current work in progress. One of the things I wanted to accomplish this summer was to put all my necessary Back to School Night paperwork, forms, information into digital form. My hope is that I could ultimately get rid of these horribly full folders I've been holding on to, while creating something a little prettier than what I've currently accumulated.
This is my current pile of folders and work. A lot of my copies are things I've kept that other teachers have used in the past, and I definitely use them every year but they lack a certain pizzazz. I mean, in all honestly, they're ugly. And I'm hoping I can make them less ugly.