- I sold my house.
- I bought a new townhouse.
- I had to wait 1 year for said townhouse to be built and move-in ready.
- I moved in, organized, and set-up my new townhouse.
- I was on 3 committees for my school/district which had me out of the classroom much more than I (or my students) would have liked.
- I built a website for my school to house all our digital products, as we applied for the California Distinguished School award. Henry P. Mohr Digital Products
- Almost 2/3 of my students were used as student ambassadors, tech gurus, or panel members for the Distinguished School visit.
- I had an awesome class of creative, tech-curious students who I was able to try a whole assortment of things with.
- I worked on updating my TPT and TN stores, and saw certain products do amazingly, others... not so much.
- My school received the California Distinguished School award.
- And lastly, I completely neglected my blog.
I wish I could say I'm a master multi-tasker, but when it comes down to it, there's only so much time in the day, so some things got pushed aside. This blog being the main one.
But I'm back. I'm ready to devote more time to this blog, as I still have loved reading other people's blogs and what amazing things everyone is doing in their rooms. It's a constant source of inspiration.
So to anyone who may still be reading... I'm sorry for the hiatus. And I hope you'll continue to read. I'll be updating my current pages, and posting new things. Especially tech ideas.
Hey Melanie! I love your blog. All of this looks amazing. I know it was a crazy school year, but you obviously made a huge impact in the lives of many students and your school community. I am so looking forward to working with you next week! I think we will get to hang with Patrick Allen. Woot! Woot! Take some time to blog and enjoy your summer to rejuvenate!!
ReplyDeleteThanks for finding me Kelly! I'm looking forward to our training with Patrick Allen next week. I'm so glad you're part of the 5th grade team too! We'll have a lot of fun and learn a lot, I'm sure!