I love how well planned out the guided math lessons are in this book. A great structure to help teachers get a grasp on how this may look in your classroom. I'm a teacher that really focuses on my daily schedule, so I love being able to break down this idea of guided math lessons to better fit into my daily class practice.
- Teacher hooks the students on the new lesson.
- Make connections to past lessons and explain the focus on today's lesson.
- Model or demonstrate the student activity
Student Practice (active engagement)
- Students practice the new skill acquired in the mini-lesson through games, use of manipulatives, etc.
- Scaffold instruction & conversation
- Ask specific questions
- Provide interventions
- Monitor student work
Share Time
- Ask probing questions
- Ask specific students to summarize the lesson's focus
- Review teaching points
- Discuss any questions & clear up confusion
Since I haven't used guided math lessons before, I haven't created any templates, but I will definitely be using them this year! I'm very visual and like to know my steps in a lesson, so I know this will be a great help in getting me going. I love that there are so many great resources within this chapter on structural and procedural ideas.
5th grade's math concepts can be hard for some students to grasp the first time. I like to use a lot of interactive tools, flip books, foldables, etc. to give my students a chance to interact with the concept more. We don't use as many manipulatives in 5th grade, but the students love using them when they get a chance!
Foldables and flipbooks are great, aren't they? Just curious...Is there a reason why you don't use as many manipulatives in 5th grade? I just like to hear different perspectives/ideas. I know online, interactive tools can do the job for some of those tricky 5th grade standards. And kiddos certainly love any form of technology.